Welcome to the Islamic Finance Resources blog, a grassroots initiative started by industry professionals and supported by practitioners from around the globe.

We constantly update this site and its overall content, and encourage you to use the various navigation tools available and welcome your feedback and comments.
A few of the resources that you can find in this site:
- Funds@Work: Network Analysis Among Sharia Scholars v 4.0
- ISRA: Islamic Finance Knowledge Repository
- IFSB-IRTI-IDB Islamic Finance and Global Stability Report
- Sukuk Reports: I, II, III, and IV
Much more available under 'Industry Reports' and 'Academic Papers' (right hand side menus)

Islamic Finance in the News

Islamic Markets on Twitter


New LinkedIn Subgroups

As our Linkedin group has continuously expanded (well over 2,700 members and more than 200 relevant discussions) we have launched smaller subgroups to allow for more focused interaction between like-minded members (we recognize Linkedin requires registration but it is free and very useful in many other respects). We now have four subgroups that cater to the following themes:

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